Cinnfullysweet Standard Poodles
So RED HOT, they melt your heart

Cinnfully Sweet Standard Poodles
Welcome to the home of Cinnfully Sweet Standard Poodles.
We are a small breeder, located in the gold country of Northern California, a short drive from beautiful San Francisco and Lake Tahoe. We breed and raise red standard poodles.
Our focus is on health and companionship, with the goal to improve the breed, but also to breed sweet pups with temperaments calm enough and suitable for both service or therapy dog certification. We try to do this through health testing and obtaining titles on our breeding pairs, early extensive socialization of our puppies using *puppy culture guidelines.
Our puppies are born in our home, in a dedicated puppy room (which by the way is right off our great room and kitchen, in the heart of the our home). We are there every step of the way, from whelping to getting ready to their forever homes. When the puppies are old enough, they are exposed to all the sights, smells, and sounds that are needed to properly socialize a puppy.
One of our goals is for each and every puppy to meet a plethora of people, from young children to older individuals.
Our research has brought us to the realization that over vaccination and early spay and neuter could be shortening the lives of our beloved poodles. Therefore we encourage a minimal vaccine protocol and do not encourage spay and neuter until after our beautiful puppies are fully grown.
We hope you enjoy exploring our web pages and drop downs that follow, and as your can tell we are transparent in every aspect of our raising and socialization of these precious beings. Through pictures, videos, and our 'closed' 'private' FB group, where we post at least on video a day, each and every day of our puppies lives here at our poodle ranch, you can see how our puppies are interacted with, and getting the best start in life possible. With personal visits (after we have carefully screened you to assure our puppies safety) you can fully see each and every aspect of our breeding program.
Now how many breeders can say that.

All of our breeding pairs have been health tested and those testing results are on the OFA web site. We strive to also obtain a CHIC number on each and every standard we use for breeding.
Go to OFA web site for results of our extensive testing.
If you request, we are happy to show you each and every health certificate on our standards.
What is the CHIC Certification Program?
The OFA created the Canine Health Information Center (CHIC) by partnering with participating parent clubs to research and maintain information on the health issues prevalent in specific breeds. We’ve established a recommended protocol for breed-specific health screenings. Dogs tested in accordance with that protocol are recognized with a CHIC number and certification.
At OFA, we recognize that the more information stored and accessible in these databases, the better it will be for every breed. And so we encourage all breeders to attain CHIC Certification if their breed participates in the CHIC program.
A dog achieves CHIC Certification if it has been screened for every disease recommended by the parent club for that breed and those results are publicly available in the database. See the recommended screenings by breed.
CHIC Program Goals
To work with parent clubs in the identification of health issues for which a central information system should be established.
To establish and maintain a central health information system in a manner that will support research into canine disease and provide health information to owners and breeders.
To establish scientifically valid diagnostic criteria for the acceptance of information into the database.
To base the availability of information on individually identified dogs at the consent of the owner.
CHIC Program Benefits
The CHIC (Canine Health Information Center) Program offers benefits to breeders, buyers, parent clubs, and researchers.
For breeders, CHIC provides a reliable source of information regarding dogs they may use in their breeding programs. Breeders can analyze the pedigrees of a proposed breeding for health strengths and weaknesses as well as the traditional analysis of conformation, type, and performance strengths and weaknesses.
For buyers, the CHIC program provides accurate information about the results of a breeder’s health testing. For diseases that are limited to phenotypic evaluations, there are no guarantees. However, the probability that an animal will develop an inherited disease is reduced when its ancestry has tested normal. Further, as more DNA tests become available and the results are entered, the OFA database will be able to establish whether progeny will be clear, carriers, or affected.
For parent clubs considering the establishment of health databases on their own, the CHIC Program provides the answer with no upfront investment required by the club. The CHIC infrastructure is supplied and maintained by the OFA. The data is maintained in a secure environment by trained staff. The services are not subject to the time, technology, and resource constraints that parent clubs might face on their own. This frees parent clubs to focus on their core strengths of identifying health concerns, educating their membership, and encouraging participation in the CHIC Program through the OFA.
For researchers, the OFA database, and specifically those dogs that have achieved CHIC Certification, provide confidential and accurate aggregate information on multiple generations of dogs. This information will also be useful for epidemiological studies enhancing our knowledge of health issues affecting all breeds of dogs.
For everyone interested in canine health issues, the OFA database, and specifically those dogs that have achieved CHIC Certification, are tools to monitor disease prevalence and measure progress.
CHIC Program Policies
Core to the CHIC philosophy is the realization that each breed has different health concerns. Not all diseases have known modes of inheritance, nor do all diseases have screening tests. Some screening tests are based on a phenotypic evaluation, others on genetic testing. With all these variables, a key element of the CHIC Program is to customize or tailor the requirements to the needs of each breed. These unique requirements are established through input from the parent club prior to the breed’s entry into the CHIC Program.
Breed-specific requirements typically consist of the inherited diseases that are of the greatest concern and for which some screening tests are available. Each parent club also drives specific screening protocols. As an example, one parent club may allow cardiac exams to be performed by a general practitioner. Another parent club may require the exam to be performed by a board-certified cardiologist. A club may also use the CHIC Program to maintain information on other health issues for anecdotal purposes. Later, as screening tests become available, the disease may be added to the breed-specific requirements.
Permanent Identification
Regardless of breed, each dog must be permanently identified in order to have test results included in CHIC. Permanent identification may be in the form of a microchip or tattoo.
Informed Consent
The OFA-CHIC database operates on informed consent. Owners are encouraged to release all test results realizing it is in the ultimate health interests of the breed and the information greatly increases the depth and breadth of any resulting pedigree analysis. In order to qualify for a CHIC number (and achieve CHIC Certification), all results must be released into the public domain.
See OFA Policy on public information.
CHIC Numbers and Reports
A CHIC number is issued when test results are entered into the database satisfying each breed specific requirement, and when the owner of the dog has opted to release the results into the public domain. The CHIC number itself does not imply normal test results, only that all the required breed specific tests were performed and the results made publicly available.
A CHIC report is issued at the same time as the CHIC number. The CHIC report is a consolidated listing of the tests performed, the age of the dog when the tests were performed, and the corresponding test results. As new results are recorded, online CHIC information is updated.
Once included in the CHIC program, the breed-specific requirements are dynamic. As health priorities within a breed change, or as new screening tests become available, the breed-specific requirements can be modified to reflect the current environment. If the breed-specific requirements are modified, existing CHIC numbers are not revoked. Again, the CHIC number is issued to a dog that completed all required tests at a given point in time.
CHIC provides reports for both the parent club and other interested parties, listing specific dogs that have been issued CHIC numbers or had updates to their CHIC information.